6 Langkah Membasmi Virus Penyerang Yahoo Messenger (http://www.detikinet.com)

 6 Langkah Membasmi Virus Penyerang Yahoo Messenger
Ardhi Suryadhi - detikinet

Pesan berisi Virus Coutsonif.A (vaksin)
Jakarta - Serangan virus Coutsonif.A yang mengancam pengguna Yahoo Messenger dan Skype patut diwaspadai. Virus ini menyebar dengan mengirimkan dirinya ke semua kontak yang ada dalam alamat aplikasi tersebut dari komputer yang terinfeksi.

Pesan tersebut sekilas seperti pesan pada umumnya. Namun jangan sampai mengklik link yang diberikan, sekalipun dikirimkan oleh teman Anda. Pasalnya, pesan tersebut sebenarnya bukan dikirimkan oleh rekan Anda, melainkan oleh virus yang telah berhasil menginfeksi komputer rekan Anda.

Nah, jika sudah terinfeksi, maka secara otomatis ia akan membuat nama file acak dengan ekstensi .tmp dan .exe yang akan disimpan di direktori [C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Temp] dengan nama yang berbeda-beda.

Kalau sudah begini, user hanya bisa pasrah dan tak tenang beraktifitas di internet lagi. Bahkan, bisa-bisa nama baiknya pun rusak karena dituduh menyebarkan virus juga. Sebab, si penerima pesan menduga temannya yang sengaja mencelakakan dirinya dengan mengiriminya virus.

Makanya, sebelum kejadian itu terjadi. Ada baiknya Anda simak 6 cara jitu untuk membasmi virus perusak nama baik yang menyerang aplikasi chat ini seperti dilansir Vaksincom:

1. Disable 'System Restore' selama proses pembersihan.
2. Disable autorun Windows, agar virus tidak dapat aktif secara otomatis saat akses ke drive /flash disk.
  • Klik tombol 'start'
  • Klik 'run'
  • Ketik 'GPEDIT.MSC', tanpa tanda kutip. Kemudian akan muncul layar 'Group Policy'
  • Pada menu 'Computer Configuration dan User Configuration', klik 'Administrative templates'
  • Klik 'System'
  • Klik kanan pada 'Turn On Autoplay', pilih 'Properties'. Kemudian akan muncul layar 'Tun on Autoplay propeties'
  • Pada tabulasi 'Setting', pilih 'Enabled'
  • Pada kolom 'Tun off Autoplay on' pilih 'All drives'
  • Klik 'Ok'

3. Matikan proses virus, gunakan tools 'security task manager' kemudian hapus file [sysmgr.exe, vshost.exe, winservices.exe, *.tmp]

Sekadar catatan, .tmp menunjukan file yang mempunyai ekstensi TMP [contoh: 5755.tmp]. Klik kanan pada file tersebut dan pilih 'Remove', lalu pilih opsi 'Move File to Quarantine'.

4. Repair registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus. Untuk mempercepat proses penghapusan silahkan salin script dibawah ini pada program notepad kemudian simpan dengan nama repair.inf. Jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: Klik kanan repair.inf, lalu pilih instal.

Provider=Vaksincom Oyee



HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"
HKCU, SessionInformation, ProgramCount, 0x00010001,3
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\BlockedPopup\.current,,,"C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Pop-up Blocked.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\EmptyRecycleBin\.Current,,,"C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Recycle.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\Navigating\.Current,,,"C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Start.wav"
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\SecurityBand\.current,,,"C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Information Bar.wav"


HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Microsoft(R) System Manager
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, bMaxUserPortWindows Service help
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, MaxUserPort

5. Hapus file virus berikut:
C:\vshost.exe [all drive]

C:\autorun.inf [all drive]


C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Temp

A415.tmp [acak]

034.exe [acak]






6. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang silahkan gunakan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi dan membasmi virus ini up to date. Anda juga dapat download tools Norman Malware Cleaner di http://download.norman.no/public/Norman_Malware_Cleaner.exe


Diskripsi Virus :
Virus ini sangat kuat, bila komputer anda terinveksi oleh vrus ini maka
virus ini akan secara otomatis mengirimkan PM berupa URL nsl-school.org
ke seluruh ID di add list anda. sehingga dengan sangat cepat virus ini
akan menyebar kepada orang orang yang mengklik url yang anda kirimkan.

Apa yang terjadi di komputer anda bila terinveksi :
1. virus ini akan mengubah defoult Internet Explorer homepage ke
nsl-school.org, dan anda tidak bisa mengubah defoult homepage ke semula
atau sesuai keinginan anda. dan bila anda membuka internet explorer
maka secara otomatis virus ini akan terexsekusi dan menginveksi
komputer anda.
2. Virus ini akan mendiasble task Manager dan registry editor anda
sehingga anda tidak bisa menghentikan aksi virus di komputer anda.
3. Files utama yang terinveksi adalah svhots.exe, svhost32.exe dan internat.exe
4. dan juga virus ini akan mengirimkan informasi tertentu ke penyerang, sehingga virus ini juga berjalan sebagai keylogger.

Cara mencegah :

Jangan pernah membuka atau mengklik URL yang dikirmkan secara otomatis oleh virus tersebut ke PM anda

Bagaimana menghilangkannnya :

1. Matikan internet explorer anda
2. Sign out yahoo messenger
3. enable kan registry editor ( regedit ) dengan cara klik start>>> run>> dan ketik

Click Start, Run dan masukkan kode dibawah ini lalu tekan enter

REG add HKCU\Software\Mic*ft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polici es\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

4. untuk meng-enable task manager

Click Start, Run an masukkan kode dibawah ini lalu tekan enter

REG add HKCU\Software\Mic*ft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polici es\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

5: Untuk mengubah homepage internet explorer

Start>Run>ketik Regedit lalu enter

cari direktory dibawah ini dan ubah homepage yang diberikan oleh virus
dengan homepage yang anda inginkan misalnya yahoo.com atau google.com

HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Mic*ft\Internet Explorer\Main

7: Mematikan aksi virus. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
dari task manager matikan proses svhost32.exe

8: Delete svhost32.exe , svhost.exe files dari Windows/ & temp/
directories. atau lewat search dan hapus files tersebut yang anda

9: Restart the computer. InsyaAllah komputer anda terbebas dari virus tersebut

Cara ini sangat rumit bagi pemula, lebih baik serahkan kepada yang
berpengalaman masalah komputer untuk mengatasinya, virus ini juga
hilang dengan cara menginstal dan memformat ulang hard disk anda.

Mohon Maaf Kalau Ada Kekurangan

Menjadi Manusia Indonesia yang Unggul dengan ASI Eksklusif


Menjadi Manusia Indonesia yang Unggul dengan ASI Eksklusif


Penatalaksanaan ASI Eksklusif Pada Ibu Bekerja (http://beingmom.org)


Penatalaksanaan ASI Eksklusif Pada Ibu Bekerja


I. Apakah Ibu yang kembali bekerja setelah cuti melahirkan harus menyetop pemberian ASI eksklusif ?
Bekerja bukan alasan untuk menghentikan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah yang perlu disiapkan sebelum Ibu kembali bekerja :

  • Siapkan ASI perah sekurang-kurangnya dua hari sebelum mulai bekerja
  • Perahlah ASI setiap 3 jam. Ingat, makin sering ASI dikeluarkan, produksi ASI akan makin melimpah
  • Jangan berikan dot atau empeng pada bayi
  • Siapkan pengasuh bayi yang terampil untuk memberikan ASI perah dengan sendok/cangkir
  • Susuilah bayi Ibu selama bayi bersama Ibu termasuk malam hari
  • Banyak minum, atau minumlah bila haus, dan sebelum serta sesudah menyusui atau memerah ASI
II. Bagaimana cara memerah ASI yang benar ?
1. Persiapan
  • Siapkan cangkir/gelas yang bermulut lebar
  • Cucilah dengan sabun dan air bersih
  • Bilas dengan air hangat
2. Memerah ASI
  • Cuci tangan dengan sabun dan air bersih
  • Duduk dengan nyaman
  • Perah sedikit ASI dan oleskan ke putting
  • Taruh telunjuk, jari tengah dan ibu jari di aerola, dengan posisi jam 06.00 dan 12.00. Bisa juga memposisikan jari pada jam 09.00 dan jam 03.00
  • Tekan ketiga jari kearah dada tanpa bergeser (bukan diurut), kemudian lepaskan
  • Jangan menggosok-gosok atau menekan payudara dengan jari
  • Lakukan untuk kedua payudara selama +/- 20 – 30 menit. ASI yang dikeluarkan pada saat awal proses pemerahan akan terlihat lebih encer dan kaya akan protein (disebut Fore Milk), sedang ASI yang dikeluarkan pada menit-menit berikutnya akan terlihat lebih kental karena kaya akan lemak (disebut Hind Milk)
  • Perah ASI setiap 3 jam termasuk malam hari. Pada malam hari, jadwal pemerahan bisa disesuaikan dengan jam menyusui bayi, yaitu jam 10.00 malam dan 02.00 pagi.
  • Memerah bisa dilakukan sedini mungkin (segera setelah bayi lahir)
  • Usahakan minum bila terasa haus sebelum dan sesudah memerah
3. Waktu memerah ASI dan penyimpanan
  • Saat Ibu berada di rumah : setelah Ibu menyusui dengan payudara kanan, perah payudara kiri. Saat menyusui berikutnya, susui bayi dengan payudara kiri, perah payudara kanan
  • Saat Ibu berada di kantor : perah minimal 3x, misalnya jam 10.00, 13.00 dan 16.00
  • Simpan ASI perah dalam botol atau wadah dari gelas, stainless steel atau plastik yang tertutup rapat, beri label (tanggal dan jam perah). Pastikan botol selalu dibersihkan dan disterilkan sebelum digunakan
  • Simpan botol berisi ASI perah dalam lemari es (bukan freezer)
  • Jika tidak ada lemari es, botol berisi ASI perah disimpan dalam termos yang telah diisi es batu. Gantilah es batu yang telah mencair. Atau gunakan cooler khusus dengan blue ice.
  • Untuk membawa ASI perah dari kantor ke rumah, masukkan botol berisi ASI perah dalam termos, beri es batu.
III. Dimana ASI disimpan ?
  • Dalam suhu ruang : tahan 4 – 6 jam
  • Dalam termos yang diisi es batu : tahan 24 jam
  • Dalam lemari es (kulkas bagian bawah) : tahan 2 x 24 jam
  • Dalam freezer pada lemari es 1 pintu : tahan 2 minggu (14 hari)
  • Dalam freezer pada lemari es 2 pintu : tahan 3 bulan
Meski dapat disimpan lama, disarankan agar tidak terlalu lama menyimpan ASI perah karena ASI diproduksi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Karenanya, jika Ibu memiliki ASI perah berlebih, tidak ada salahnya didonorkan kepada yang membutuhkan.
IV. Cara memberikan ASI perah dengan cangkir/sendok
1. Persiapan
  • Keluarkan ASI perah dari lemari es, secara berurutan dari jam perah paling awal
  • Diamkan dalam suhu ruang selama 10 – 15 menit
  • Untuk ASI yang disimpan di freezer, disarankan untuk memindahkan ke lemari es bagian bawah selama 1 jam sebelum didiamkan dalam suhu ruang
  • Hangatkan ASI dengan cara merendam botol berisi ASI perah dalam wadah yang diberi air hangat
  • Jangan menghangatkan ASI dengan air mendidih atau merebus ASI karena akan merusak kandungan gizi.
  • Hangatkan dalam jumlah tertentu sesuai jumlah yang biasa diminum bayi (dalam sekali minum)
  • Siapkan cangkir dan sendok untuk meminumkan ASI perah kepada bayi
  • ASI perah yang didiamkan cukup lama akan terpisah menjadi 2 lapisan, lapisan yang di atas biasanya lebih kental karena kaya akan lemak. Ini bukan berarti ASI telah basi. Kocoklah dengan perlahan hingga ASI menjadi larutan homogen kembali
  • ASI perah segar akan berbau/beraroma manis. Bila ASI beku yang setelah dicairkan beraroma seperti sabun, hal ini disebabkan perubahan struktur lemak dalam ASI akibat perubahan suhu yang mendadak sehingga proses kerja enzim lipase terganggu. Karena itu tidak disarakan menghangatkan ASI dengan air mendidih atau merebus ASI, atau membekukan kembali ASI yang telah dihangatkan
  • Jika ASI perah berbau asam, maka bisa jadi ASI telah basi dan harus dibuang.
2. Memberikan ASI perah
  • Duduk dengan nyaman
  • Peganglah bayi tegak lurus/setengah tegak dipangkuan Ibu / pengasuh
  • Peganglah sendok dan sentuhkan ke ujung bibir bayi. Untuk bayi yang telah bisa “minumâ€� ASI dengan menggunakan sendok, dapat diganti dengan menggunakan gelas berukuran kecil.
  • Bayi akan mengisap/menjilat ASI, tumpahkan sedikit demi sedikit ke mulut bayi
  • Jangan menuang ASI ke mulut bayi
  • Setelah bayi mendapat cukup ASI, pegang bayi dalam posisi tegak untuk disendawakan
Sumber :


PLS BE INFORMED IMMEDIATELY! A virus is on a rampage in Messengers. The virus name is WORM_SOHAND.I. It shows itself as an innocent IM with a link to a site and tells you it is about cool pictures. Whne the link is clicked, it takes control of your registry, changes your browsers homepage and disables you to change the homepage! after clicked it also sends itself to everyone in your messenger list. So if you recieve it, please remeber DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! just close the window or read the other offline messages. Warning: it may come from your closest friends to! PLEASE, PASS IT ON TO ALL

Solution: (http://www.trendmicro.com)

Note: To fully remove all associated malware, perform the clean solutions for the following:
Identifying the Malware Program
To remove this malware, first identify the malware program.
  1. Scan your computer with your Trend Micro antivirus product.
  2. NOTE the path and file name of all files detected as WORM_SOHANAD.I.
Trend Micro customers need to download the latest virus pattern file before scanning their computer. Other users can use Housecall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner.
Terminating the Malware Program
Since this malware terminates the Windows Task Manager, it is necessary to use third party process viewers such as Process Explorer. You will need the name(s) of the file(s) detected earlier.
  1. Download Process Explorer.
  2. Extract the contents of the compressed (ZIP) file to a location of your choice.
  3. Execute Process Explorer by double-clicking procexp.exe.
  4. In the Process Explorer window, locate the malware file(s) detected earlier.
  5. Right-click one of the detected files, then click Kill Process Tree.
  6. Do the same for all detected malware files in the list of running processes.
  7. Close Process Explorer.

*NOTE: On computers running all Windows platforms, if the process you are looking for is not in the list displayed by Process Explorer, continue with the next solution procedure, noting additional instructions. If the malware process is in the list displayed by Process Explorer, but you are unable to terminate it, restart your computer in safe mode. Enabling The Registry Editor
This malware disables the Registry Editor. To restore the said system tool, perform the following instructions:
  1. Open Notepad. Click Start>Run, type Notepad, then press Enter.
  2. Copy and paste the following:
  3. Save this file as C:\RESTORE.VBS.
  4. Click Start>Run, type C:\RESTORE.VBS, then press Enter.
  5. Click Yes at the prompt of the message box.
Editing the Registry
This malware modifies the computer's registry. Users affected by this malware may need to modify or delete specific registry keys or entries. For detailed information regarding registry editing, please refer to the following articles from Microsoft:
  1. HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME
  2. HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows NT 4.0
  3. HOW TO: Backup, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows 2000
  4. HOW TO: Back Up, Edit, and Restore the Registry in Windows XP and Server 2003
Removing Autostart Entries from the Registry
Removing autostart entries from the registry prevents the malware from executing at startup.
If the registry entries below is not found, the malware may not have executed as of detection. If so, proceed to the succeeding solution set.
  1. Open Registry Editor. Click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter.
  2. In the left panel, double-click the following:
  3. In the right panel, locate and delete the following entries:

    • Task Manager = "%Windows%\system\svchost32.exe"
    • Svchost = "%Windows%\system\svhost.exe"
    (Note: %Windows% is the default Windows folder, usually C:\Windows or C:\WINNT.)
Removing Added Keys and Entries from the Registry
  1. Still in Registry Editor, in the left panel, double-click the following:
    Microsoft>Internet Explorer>Control Panel
  2. In the right panel, locate and delete the entry:
    Homepage = "1"
  3. In the left panel, double-click the following:
  4. In the left panel, locate and delete the following keys:

    • YMSGR_buzz
    • YMSGR_Launchcast
  5. Close Registry Editor.
Resetting Internet Explorer Home Page
This procedure restores the Internet Explorer home page to the default settings.
  1. Close all Internet Explorer windows.
  2. Open Control Panel. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel.
  3. Double-click the Internet Options icon.
  4. In the Internet Properties window, click the Programs tab.
  5. Click the Reset Web Settings... button.
  6. Select Also reset my home page. Click Yes.
  7. Click OK.
Important Windows ME/XP Cleaning Instructions
Users running Windows ME and XP must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of infected computers.
Users running other Windows versions can proceed with the succeeding solution set(s).
Running Trend Micro Antivirus
If you are currently running in safe mode, please restart your computer normally before performing the following solution.
Scan your computer with Trend Micro antivirus and delete files detected as WORM_SOHANAD.I. To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest virus pattern file and scan their computer. Other Internet users can use HouseCall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner.

Trend Micro offers best-of-breed antivirus and content-security solutions for your corporate network, small and medium business, mobile device or home PC.

vtiger510:Installation on Windows (wiki.vtiger.com)

 vtiger510:Installation on Windows

System Requirements

  • Hardware Minimum: will run on PC with at least x486 pentium 4 with 256 MB RAM and 200 MB free disk space
  • Hardware Recommended: x486 Pentium 4 with 512 MB RAM and 500 MB free disk space.
  • Web Browser: Firefox 2.x and above Internet Explorer 6 and 7.
  • Operating system:Windows XP,2003,Vista.

How do I choose right distribution?

Type Of User Distribution Type
I am new to Web-based software – Beginners vtigercrm510 exe
I have hands-on experience with MySQL and PHP-based applications – Advanced PHP Users/Developers/Hosting Service Providers vtigrcrm510 tar.gz

Installation Prerequisites

  • You must have "Administrator privileges" on the system. If you are installing without Administrator privileges, vtiger CRM software will not be installed properly.
  • Before installing vtiger CRM software, stop the Apache and MySQL services.
  • vtiger CRM software is compatible with Apache 2.0.40 , MySQL 5.1.x and above , and PHP 5.0x and above.
  • Read/Write permissions for some of the vtiger CRM directories – Applicable to vtiger CRM Source Installation
  • PHP settings (php.ini) configuration -Applicable to vtiger CRM Source Installation

Installation steps on Windows

Step1: Download the vtigercrm-5.1.0.exe from vtigercrm510 exe
Now save this file and then run.
Step2: The installation process will start with the Welcome page, click next to continue with the installation. vtiger510-exeinstallation-step1.JPG
Step3: Now it will show the license Agreement page, read the license carefully, then select the check box and click next to continue with the installation.
Step4: Clicking next button moved you to Apache Web Server Port Selection page, by default the apache port is 81. If the port is occupied by any other process it will show a message saying this port is not free please select any other free port. After giving the apache port click next.
Step5: Now it will show the MySql Connection Parameter configuration page. Here you have to provide the MySql port, User name and Password. By default port is 3307, If the port is occupied by any other process it will show a message saying this port is not free please select any other free port. The default User Name is root and password is empty, you can change them according to your convenience. After giving all the parameters click next.
Step6: Clicking next will direct you to the Choose Installation Location page, here you can select the installation directory. By default c:\program files\vtigercrm-5.1.0 now click on the next button.
Step7: Clicking next will show Choose Start Menu Folder page, select the check box if you don't want to create start menu folder. now click the install button.
Step8: Clicking install button will start the installation process. Here you can see the progress of the process.
Step9: As soon as the installation done it will start the vtiger crm server, it will launch a command window.
Step10: Once it will start all the necessary services and process (Apache and MySql), it will launch the vtigercrm client. To continue with Configuration Wizard Click here

How to start and stop vtigercrm5.1.0

Click here for start and stop the vtigercrm5.1.0

Using Source

System Requirements

  • Hardware: Intel 80486 with 512 MB RAM or more and at least 250 MB of disk space.
  • Web Browser: Firefox 2.x and above Internet Explorer 6 and 7
  • Web Server Apache: version 2.0.40 or higher or Microsoft
  • Database MySQL: version 4.1.x through 5.1.x
  • PHP: version 5.0.x through 5.2.x

PHP Extensions

Following extensions should be enabled for your PHP setup
GD Mandatory Charts and graphs generation are dependent on this library.
IMAP Mandatory Webmails Module is dependent on this library.
Zlib Mandatory
OpenSSL Optional Imap with OpenSSL should be enabled in case Mail server needs to be connected via SSL
Curl Optional

PHP Configuration

Make sure to verify if your PHP configuration meets the recommended values.
Variable Value
allow_call_time_reference on
error_reporting E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE
safe_mode off
display_errors on
file_uploads on
max_execution_time 600
memory_limit 32M
log_errors off
output_buffering on
register_globals off
short_open_tag On

File Permissions

Provide read-write access to the following files and folder (recursively):
NOTE: Read and Write permissions should be enabled for user/group who owns webserver process (like www-data or httpd or apache).
If you are not sure about this, you can use (chmod -R a+rw) and enable Read and Write permissions to any user.
  • config.inc.php
  • tabdata.php
  • install.php
  • parent_tabdata.php
  • cache
  • cache/images/
  • cache/import/
  • storage/
  • install/
  • user_privileges/
  • Smarty/cache/
  • Smarty/templates_c/
  • modules/Emails/templates/
  • modules/
  • cron/modules/
  • test/vtlib/
  • backup/
  • Smarty/templates/modules/
  • test/wordtemplatedownload/
  • test/product/
  • test/user/
  • test/contact/
  • test/logo/
  • logs/
  • modules/Webmails/tmp/
Proceed with the next step of installation by visiting index.php from the browser.

Installation Steps Using Source

If Apache (or IIS), MySQL, PHP setup exists on the server, download vtiger 5.1.0RC Source and extract to the webserver's Document Root (or public_html) After extracting, it will create a folder named as vtigercrm and copied all the files into that. After this just go to the browser and install the product
  1. If you are using Apache (example:http://localhost:/vtigercrm)
  2. If you are using IIS (example:http://localhost/vtigercrm)
For continuing with Configuration Wizard click here
NOTE: While using WAMP, keep vtigercrm source directory inside C:\wamp\www. Now start services (MySQL and Apache services) and go through browser to access vtigerCRM.


How to Install IIS

please refer to this link for installing the IIS

Install and Configure PHP

Step1: Start by creating a directory into which you will extract the downloaded PHP files (php-5.2.6-Win32.zip). In this example I’m going to use C:\PHP as my installation directory. Then extract the files from php-5.2.6-Win32.zip into C:\PHP
Step2: Next locate the file ‘php.ini-recommended’ in C:\PHP and rename it to ‘php.ini’

Step3: Open the ‘php.ini’ file and find the line which reads extension_dir = “./” and change it to extension_dir = “C:\PHP\ext”. This tells PHP where the various extensions are located and as you can see the default path in the ‘php.ini-recommended’ file which ships with PHP points to the wrong location, so you need to change it.
You also need to add the location of your PHP directory to the server’s PATH environment variable so that Windows knows where to look for any PHP related executable (such as the PHP extension DLL‘s). To do this Right-click on My Computer, click Properties and on the Advanced tab click Environment Variables. In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System variables highlight the Path variable and click Edit.

Step4: Add ‘;C:\PHP’ (be sure to include the semi-colon separator) as shown here and click OK. You need to re-boot the server for this change to take effect.

After this make the necessary changes in php.ini to see the recommended php.ini values click here

Installing MySQL on the Server

Step1: Launch the mysql-5.0.51a-win32 installer file to start the MySql setup wizard.

Step2: Click Next and then choose a custom installation as this will allow us to specify an installation directory of our own choosing. In this example I will be using installing MySQL into the ‘C:\MySQL’ folder.

Step3: On the Custom setup dialog box click Change to specify the preferred installation directory.

Step4: Select the directory you want to use and then click OK to go back to the Custom setup dialog box.

Step5: Click OK. MySQL is now ready to be installed. Click Install to begin the installation.

Step6: At the MySQL.com Sign Up screen click Skip Sign-Up and then click Next.

Step7: On the next dialog box ensure that ‘Configure the MySQL Server now’ tick box is checked and click Finish.

Step8: The Server Instance Configuration Wizard is now launched. Click Next to begin configuring your MySQL server.

Step9: Choose Detailed Configuration and click Next.

Step10: In this example I am installing MySQL on the same machine as my IIS web server so I opt for the Server Machine option. Choose a server type which is appropriate for your requirements and click Next.

Step11: Choose the type of database which best suits your needs and click Next.

Step12: Leave the default setting of the MySQL installation path for the InnoDB Tablespace settings (unless you wish to change it) and click Next.

Step13: Select the appropriate number of concurrent connections you want to allow and click Next.

Step14: Leave the default networking options settings (unless you have reason to change them) and click Next.

Step15: Choose the appropriate character set for your requirements and click Next.

Step16: On the Windows options dialog box ensure that both ‘Install As Windows Service’ and ‘Include Bin Directory in Windows Path’ tick boxes are selected and click Next.

Step17: In the security options dialog box ensure that ‘Modify Security Settings’ is ticked and type in your new root password. Decide whether or not you wish to allow root access from remote machines or create an anonymous account and click Next.

Step18: If you are happy with the choices you have made click Execute to begin configuring your server.

Step19: Once the Configuration Wizard has finished click Finish to begin using your new MySQL server.


How To Use IIS

  • Go to start menu -->Administrative tools --> Internet Information Service
  • Now right click on website tab
  • Give site name as per your convenience and click on next button
  • Remain the parameters as per they are in image and click on next button
  • Choose website home directory by default is (C:\Inetpub(you should kept your vtigercrm folder in this folder))
  • or you can choose your new folder for that and click next button
  • Now click on finish button to finish the IIS installation
  • You have to make some changes in properties
  • So,you have to right click on the newly created website and move it to properties
  • In the properties go to home directory and give the permissions according to the screen shot
  • Now click on the configuration tab
  • New window will appear and in new window click on browse button
  • Make sure that you added .php Application Extensions
  • Click on documentation tab and add index.php for default content page
  • Now change some permissions again move to new website and right click on that and select the permission tab
  • Select users and give all the permissions according to the screen shot
  • Now click on the Web services extensions and make sure that php extension is there not
  • Click on a add a new web service extension
  • Add the new web service extension acording to the step given here click on add
  • Now browse the extension
  • After that allow the web service extension
  • Now go to browser and give localhost you can see the configuration page of vtigercrm


Client Installation Screen Shots

  • Follow the screen hosts below to configure vtiger installation
  • Click Install to start the installation process of vtigerCRM
  • Click next button to accepting the License agreement of vtigerCRM
  • This page will check the php.ini values as per recommended and displays the php version . Click next button to continue with the installation.
  • Before clicking next button select what modules to be installed in the vtigerCRM510 and click next button
  • This page is for the database configuration ,Here you have to provide the MySql User name and Password.
The default User Name is root and password is empty, you can change them according to your convenience.
  • After giving all the parameters click next button.

  • This page will show the confirmation settings of previous database configuration and click populate database with demo if you want to install with demo data or ignore it if you want to install with out demo data and click next button
  • This page shows where the configuration file(config.inc.php)is located and tells about how much time it will take to install
  • Click next button to continue with installation
  • Click finish button to complete the installation of vtigercrm5.1.0
  • This is the Login page for the vtigercrm5.1.0 you have to give the user name and password to login to the vtigerCRM510
  • Default vtigercrm user login details.
username : admin
Password : admin

  • After login to vtigercrm5.1.0 the page will appear like the above screen shot.
  • Now you can start work with vtigercrm5.1.0


PHP Extensions

Following extensions should be enabled for your PHP setup
GD Mandatory Charts and graphs generation are dependent on this library.
IMAP Mandatory Webmails Module is dependent on this library.
Zlib Mandatory
OpenSSL Optional Imap with OpenSSL should be enabled in case Mail server needs to be connected via SSL
Curl Optional

PHP Configuration

Make sure to verify if your PHP configuration meets the recommended values.
Variable Value
allow_call_time_reference on
error_reporting E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE
safe_mode off
display_errors on
file_uploads on
max_execution_time 600
memory_limit 32M
log_errors off
output_buffering on
register_globals off
short_open_tag On

File Permissions

Provide read-write access to the following files and folder (recursively):
NOTE: Read and Write permissions should be enabled for user/group who owns webserver process (like www-data or httpd or apache).
If you are not sure about this, you can use (chmod -R 777) and enable Read and Write permissions to any user.
  • config.php
  • install.php
  • migrate.php
  • parent_tabdata.php
  • tabdata.php
  • cache/
  • install/
  • logs/
  • modules/
  • storage/
  • test/
  • user_privileges/
  • Smarty/templates
  • Smarty/templates_c/
Proceed with the next step of installation by visiting index.php from the browser.

On Hosted Server

System requirements

  • Web Server: Apache version 2.0.40 or higher or Microsoft IIS version 5 or higher
  • Database: MySQL version 4.1.x through 5.1.x
  • Scripting: PHP version 5.0.x through 5.2.x
  • Web Browser: Microsoft IE 5.5/6.0, Firefox 1.5.x or above

Installation Guide

You can download vtigrcrm510 tar.gz from here
  • Check here for the PHP file extensions and permissions
  • Extract the vtiger_CRM_5_1_0.tar.gz file into the document root of the Apache/IIS server.
  • Now you can access the product through browser by giving like this (http://yourdomain.com/vtigercrm)
  • Click hereto continue with the configuration wizard

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